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eSeminar: Phytotherapeutics in Children
17. Mai 2022 // 9:30 - 16:45
Rationalizing optimal Dosing for use in Children:
Current Situation – Potential Solutions – Activities needed
Science for Children at the border between paediatrics, regulatory affairs, toxicology and epidemiology
“Children are no small adults with respect to the treatment with medicinal products” – as stated by WHO. This understanding has been the basis for the initiative of the European Commission to build the Paediatric Committee (PDCO) as scientific board in the European Medicines Agency (EMA).
A Paediatric Regulation came into force in the European Union (EU) on 26 January 2007. Its objective was and still is to improve the health of children in Europe by facilitating the development and availability of medicines for children aged 0 to 17 years. 15 years later we have to realize, that the results are moderate.
This eSymposium will give opportunity to analyse the reasons and to present prospects for alternatives to establish proof of safe and efficacious herbal medicines for children’s use. The eSymposium should be the starting point to discuss actions to be initiated as soon as possible to find suitable ways for establishing rationalized dosage regimes for phytotherapeutics for the use in children.
This eSymposium is a joint initiative of the Society of Medicinal Plants and Natural Products Research (GA), the Gesellschaft für Phytotherapie (GPT) and the Foundation Plants for Health (PfH) with the aim facilitating research in this neglected area of healthcare, including future funding opportunities of research for phytotherapeutics in children.
The Seminar will take place via Zoom on May 17, 2022, 10.00 am – 5.00 pm (CEST). No fee will be charged; a registration link will soon be published.
You can download the program here.
Please use this link to register.
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The eSeminary series is free of charge.